
- W House -
W House is a mother-daughter duo creating modern and whimsical handmade goods. 

The W in W House represents us as Women and are our maiden name initials (Wu+Wong) .

Everything is handmade by W mom and managed by W daughter in the Bay Area, CA!

- W mom -
Former accountant turned full-time home maker and creative crafter. She uses a variety of materials and forms to create her art, including sewing, knitting and crochet (and cooking and baking). She travels often to do volunteer work with her crafts. Her mom used to own a sewing company in Oakland, which lead into...

- W daughter -
...90% homemade clothes until she protested in middle school. Mother-daughter matching dresses and wonderfully put together outfits inspired a now fashion forward daughter. When she's not encouraging her mom to finally set up shop and share her creations with the world, she spends her time with her doggo, making ice cream and perusing fashion and interior design blogs.